Was man ißt muß (vorher) sterben
Folgendes Zitat stammt aus einem Artikel des Boston Globe[1]:
Ideas: How does slaughtering your own animals affect your attitude toward eating meat?Der ist so schön, dass ich den unkommentiert stehen lassen möchte.
Carpenter: It’s important to realize that something dies when we eat it, and to cop to it. If you’re not OK with it, you shouldn’t eat it. If you see an animal die, then you know the price of meat and you know it shouldn’t be cheap. You shouldn’t waste it. You shouldn’t just eat meat all the time. It’s not sustainable, it’s not healthy, it’s bad for animals. It’s good to have meat as more of a ceremonial meal.
- https://www.boston.com/bostonglobe/ideas/articles/2009/07/12/qa_novella_carpenter/
Novella Carpenter: How much food can you really grow in a city?
cptsalek - 22. Jul, 16:58